Saturday, September 13, 2008

How We Met!!

A 25 year old, dark hair, green eyed Hottie with a Naughty Body seeks a Stud of a Man to call her own. Hottie from Santa Barbara enjoys Country, Hip-Hop, and White Girl Music and ANY movie with Mark Wahlberg. This sports fan also enjoys Murder Mysteries and wants her own Mark Whalberg to keep her warm on a cold Utah night.

A 22 year old dark hair, blue eyed Deep Sleeper seeks a Sugar Mama to come home to at night. Sleeper from Marietta enjoys movies, music, and food. The way to sleeper’s heart is a woman who knows what a safety is in football and knows how to cook. This kind hearted gentleman will treat you like a princess and one day pay for a castle to call your very own.

1 comment:

Amy said...

hey you guys!!
love the blog. and we're so excited to get to see you in october and finally meet jessica! good luck with the planning. we love you guys!!!